Meet Info
Night Before the Meet:
The Friday before the meet we will post the races for each swimmer.
At the Friday practice before the meet the swimmers will swim with their age group and focus on their strokes for the upcoming meet.
Swimmers are encouraged to have a good meal and plenty of rest before the meet.
We encourage swimmers to gather their items the night before for the meet. Some items to bring to the meet include the following:
Towels (good idea to bring a couple towels to ensure swimmers stay dry between events)
Swim suit
Goggles (good idea to have 1-2 extra goggles just in case one breaks)
Caps (good idea to have 1-2 extra caps just in case one breaks or tears)
Warm clothing to wear in between events and/or after the meet - fleece-lined parkas are especially nice
Hat to stay cool on hot days
Chair to sit on
Water bottle to stay hydrated
Light, healthy snacks (however, each pool will sell food and bring cash to purchase)
Pop-up canopy to provide shade
For younger swimmers, items to stay entertained between events - coloring books & crayons, books to read, toys, beads & string, etc.
Gift to give to your Swim Buddy (this could be anything to encourage and motivate the swimmer - handwritten note of support, handmade craft, granola bar, bottle of Gatorade, etc.)
Day of the Meet:
Arrive on time to the meet.
We have check-in times for each meet and the swimmers must be there for their check-in with their coordinator.
If you will be late, please text our meet director. Her phone number will be in our newsletter.
When you arrive at the pool, find your coordinator and camp area and help to setup your area.
At the age group camp, only one parent can sit with the swimmers. This is due to limited space in those areas. We have coordinators for the 12 and under swim groups who will stay with your swimmers.
If you need to pull your swimmer away for the bathroom or food, please make sure the coordinator knows where they are.
Meets move very fast and we need to ensure all swimmers are accounted for on the deck.
The 10 and under age group will be taken to their events by their group coordinators.
The 11 and 12 age group have a coordinator at camp, but the swimmer is responsible to get to their event on time.
The 13 and up age group does not have a coordinator, they too are responsible to get to their event on time.
During the meet you CANNOT take photos or video from either side of the starting blocks. You can only do this from the sides of the pool.
Upon arriving at the pool, parents need to check-in with the volunteer coordinator for their meet job. Each parent will need to do volunteer jobs at the meet. More information can be found here on our website.
Teams will have snack shacks set up and offer a great variety of food. Bring cash to purchase such snacks.
We encourage cheering, wearing Bluefin apparel, holding posters and other positive forms of team pride.
We have a zero-tolerance policy for bad sportsmanship.
At the end of each event the swimmers will stay in the pool until the announcer tells them to clear the pool.
Swimmers are encouraged to shake the hand or high five the swimmer next to them.
For age groups 11 and over we do fly overs for the start of events.
If you have to miss a meet or leave early please use this link to convey that [LINK TBD].
After the Meet
Meet results and scores will be posted no later than the Monday after a swim meet.
Ribbons will be given out after each meet and can be located in the blue bins on the Bluefin deck the following week.